submissions are CLOSED for all genres.
Honey & Lime welcomes creative writing and artwork that encompasses the human condition. Give us your stories of pain and sorrow, your raw vulnerability, your dizziest love stories, your whimsical fancies. Your highest of highs and lowest of lows. Make us laugh, or cry, or feel anything you are feeling! We also love writing and art that contain surreal/fantastical elements. We especially welcome work by women, LGBTQ+ people, POC, survivors of trauma, neurodivergent people, disabled people, and anyone else whose work is not celebrated often enough.
Both emerging and established creators are encouraged to submit. Never been published before? No problem! If you have anything, we'd love to see it.
Honey & Lime will publish issues bimonthly, starting February of 2019. Submissions will be open during those months, but may close sooner depending on submission volume. Some issues may be themed. Submissions sent outside of the designated open reading periods will not be read.
Please read the guidelines carefully. Submissions that clearly have not followed the guidelines will be declined automatically and unread.
General Guidelines
Submissions for Issue Six are themed. This time around, we are focusing on CLIMATE CHANGE and anything else related to the earth & environment. Please only send in work that pertains to this theme.
Send all submissions to their respective genre editors, and please be sure to include your name and the genre of your work in the subject line, like so: [GENRE] - [NAME].
You may submit to multiple genres. Please send them as separate emails with the genres clearly labeled in the subject line, but please only submit once per genre. Meaning, you can send one poetry submission and one prose submission, for example, but not two poetry submissions. If you submit multiple times in one reading period, we will only read your first submission.
For written submissions, please compile all pieces in ONE Word document (.doc/.docx). Make sure to include page breaks between each work and clearly denote titles of works so we know when each starts and ends (bold, italicize, underline, etc.).
Only previously unpublished pieces are accepted, but work that has appeared on your social media or blog is okay. Simultaneous submissions are absolutely fine, but please be sure to notify us if any of your pieces are accepted elsewhere by replying to your original submission email. We'll be happy to congratulate you!
For all submissions, please include a short bio (a few sentences in the third person telling us about yourself) in the body of your email. Cover letters aren't necessary, but at the very least, please include a greeting. Remember that there is a human on the receiving end of your email.
Upon acceptance, we will also ask for a contributor photo.
poetry (for both Issues and OCEANS & TIME):
send all poetry submissions to poetry.honeyandlime@gmail.com and address your email to Zane Frederick, Emma Watson, and S.K. Grout.
send up to 5 poems in one document of up to 10 pages. We are open to all forms, including experimental, traditional, prose poetry, short forms, found poetry, etc.
include no more than one poem per page.
IMPORTANT! Poetry submissions for Issues will be read until all poetry slots are full. From that point until the end of the reading period, all poetry submissions will be considered for Honey & Lime's poetry blog, OCEANS & TIME, which posts three poems a week in the months between the release of issues. The editors will choose which poems will be accepted for issues and which for OCEANS & TIME. For more information, read here. Please also note that OCEANS & TIME is not specifically ocean or time themed.
OCEANS & TIME does not count as a separate submissions category. Send only one poetry submission per reading period.
send all fiction submissions to fiction.honeyandlime@gmail.com and address your email to Caroline Mao and Swetha S.
send up to 3 pieces of fiction of up to 2,000 words each (typically, the shorter the better). No excerpts, please, which means your submission must be a complete piece that can stand on its own, with a beginning, middle, and end.
Please include the word count in the body of your email as well.
creative nonfiction:
send all creative nonfiction submissions to cnf.honeyandlime@gmail.com and address your email to Tania Pabon and Jess Ram.
send up to 3 pieces of creative nonfiction of up to 2,000 words each (typically, the shorter the better). No excerpts, please, which means your submission must be a complete piece that can stand on its own, with a beginning, middle, and end.
Please include the word count in the body of your email as well.
art or photography:
send all art or photography to honeyandlimelit@gmail.com and address your email to Wanda Deglane.
send up to 5 pieces as JPG or PNG files. We are open to all kinds of art! Some examples: drawings/sketches, paintings, digital art, collages.
art and photography are two separate categories.
we prefer photography in color as opposed to in black and white.
visual poetry:
send all visual poetry to honeyandlimelit@gmail.com and address your email to Wanda Deglane.
we accept any form of visual poetry, including but not limited to: hybrids of art and poetry, blackout poetry, and concrete poetry.
please send up to 5 visual poems as JPG or PNG files.
If your work doesn't fit any of these categories, but you think we should see it, feel free to send a pitch to Wanda via the contact form.
What Honey & Lime Does NOT Welcome
work that is racist, homophobic, transphobic, sexist, ableist, or directs hate/promotes violence towards anyone.
work from anyone who is known to be (or later found out to be) an abuser.
work that is not yours / not original. The work you submit needs to be completely your own. If you draw inspiration from another poet, author, artist, book, song, etc., please credit them and be prepared to show us the piece you have credited as inspiration.
There is no place for any of that here. We will reject your work immediately and very likely never read any more of your work in the future.
Rights & Payment
We will never charge for submissions, and as such, we unfortunately have no money to give. We would really like that to change in the future. For now, all we can offer is our love and undying support, as well as promotion on all social media platforms.
Your work will always be yours. Honey & Lime asks for one-time nonexclusive rights to publish your work, after which all rights revert back to you.
If your work is accepted for the blog or declined, you may submit again during the next open submissions period. If you are accepted for an issue, please wait one full issue before submitting again. We want to give others a shot too!
We aim to reply to all work as soon as possible, but please don't query until after a month has passed.