Featuring the evocative works of Claudia Amuedo, E. Kristin Anderson, Shawn Anto, Brittany Barron, Zena Bresnan, Kate Bucca, Sally Burnette, Ingrid M. Calderon-Collins, Kayla Chenault, Alexandra Corinth, Tiana Coven, Michelle DeLouise-Ashmore, Nadia Gerassimenko, Iskandar Haggarty, Molly Hannan Scott, Angie Hedman, Crystal Ignatowski, Melissa Jennings, Alexandra Kesick, Kyra Kondis, Amy LeBlanc, M. Leon Stewart, Vanessa Maki, Hillary Martin, DW McKinney, Scott-Patrick Mitchell, Liat Miriam, Maritza Mora, Margot Nelson, Sandra PARIS, Sophia Tempest Parsons, Courtney Peters, Deon Robinson, Em Rowene, Priyanka Sacheti, Ashlyn Sharp, Christie Shen, Marisa Silva-Dunbar, Natasha Teymourian, Alicia Yefimenko, Isabella Zellerbach, and Georgia Zouganeli.
Cover photo by Claudia Amuedo
Issue title from "an incantation to lift grief" by Scott-Patrick Mitchell
Featuring the words, art, and photographs of Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau, Leslie Joy Ahenda, Anastasia Arellano, Oak Ayling, Adrian Belmes, Alex Brown, Stuart Buck, Alex Clark, Elena Duran, Virginia Eggerton, Mariel Fechik, Courtney Felle, Jane M. Fleming, Lizzie Freestone, Roppotucha Greenberg, Raven Halle, Ruby Izatt, S.A. Khanum, Natalie Lim, Kari Lynch, Jackie Mantey, DW McKinney, Jill Mceldowney, Shelby Millarez Meyers, Meg Mulcahy, Marie Ostendorf-LeClair, Mel Paisley, Lucas Peel, Paige N Price, Adithi Raghavan, L. Reeman, Mitchell G. Roshannon, Holly Salvatore, Célia Schouteden, Erika Michelle Spedding, Lannie Stabile, Katy Telling, Cathy Ulrich, Erin Emily Ann Vance, Jamie Vassar, and Haley Winkle.
Cover photo by Célia Schouteden
Issue title from "First portrait of me as Adedayo" by Adedayo Adeyemi Agarau
Featuring the gorgeous words, art, and photographs of Clare Ace, Jess Alberg, M.P. Armstrong, Emma Bishop, Madison Bockol, Anthony Isaac Bradley, Sarah Burk, Kat Cassar, Leta Rebecca Cunningham, Koji A. Dae, Caoimhín de Paor, Maddie De Pree, Pattie Flint, Honor Ford, Samuel J Fox, Caroline Grand-Clement, Samuel Gratton, Eliana Gray, John Hawkhead, Amanda Hope, Asher Israela, Emilia Jackson, Pietje Kobus, Hadiyyah Kuma, Arianna Monet, Grace Moore, Luisa Nöllke, Niyanta Patel, Ezekiel Puerto, Randi M. Romo, Cassidy Scanlon, Daania Sharifi, Anna Short, Shelly Lynn Stone, Lauren Suchenski, Ella Sutton, Rachel Tanner, Aaron Michael Toon, Juniper Tubbs, Jade Wallace, Rae White, Juliane Worthington, and Mathew Yates.
Cover photo by Maddie De Pree
Issue title from "Sushi Tears" by Emma Bishop
Featuring the fierce words, art, and photographs of Karma J. Alvey, Manahil Bandukwala, Jean-Marie Bub, Sheena Carroll, Annie Cigic, lenora cole, Ivy Marie, Bárbara R. Costa, Carys Crossen, Elle Danbury, Jenny Darmody, Anna Eapen, April Federico, Caroljean Gavin, Marcelina Gonzales, Eliana Gray, LeAnne Hunt, Amy Jarvis, Hanifah Jones, Griffon Kaye, Galya Kerns, Kayla King, Jasmin Lankford, Ashleigh Lowe, Lula, Julia Rose Merante, Laura Ohlmann, Melissa Ragsly, Holly Salvatore, Cassidy Scanlon, Josefine Stargardt, Ashleigh Taylor, Jennifer Vaknine, and Kate Wilson.
Cover photo by Bárbara R. Costa
Issue title from "When the Arcana Isn't Enough" by Amy Jarvis
Featuring the haunting writing, art, and photography of Zain ul Abidin Khan Alizai, Kieran Adamson, Elodie Rose Barnes, Hannah Bishop, Jamie Bradbury, Czarina B. Capulong, Sprout Conner, Chestina Craig, Natalie Crick, Barbara Diggs, Elfie, Aaron Evans, helga floros, Suzanne Grove, Alexandra Grunberg, Caroline Grzelak, Katy Haas, Catherine Hajek, Farras Huda, Madison Kalia, Jill Khoury, Holly McKenna, Michael Morell, Meg Mulcahy, Lauren Napier, Nidhi, Hallie Nowak, Sophia Tempest Parsons, Sarena Pollock, McCaela Prentice, Jesse Rice-Evans, Bethany Rivers, Christina Rosso, Amy Slack, Crystal Stone, Romany Stott, Addie Studebaker, Catherine Thoms, Elspeth Wilson, Haley Winkle, Kylie Ayn Yockey, and Amy Zaranek.
Cover photo by Elodie Rose Barnes
Issue title from "wily woman" by Katy Haas

Featuring the thought-provoking and vital art, photography, and writings of Beth Banks, Corinne Bills, V. B. Borjen, Kolleen Carney Hoepfner, Michael Colbert, Warren J. Cox, Koji A. Dae, Josh Daniel, Carla Sofia Ferreira, Sarah Jake Fishman, Grix, Alexandra Grunberg, Erin Hanyu Lynch, Sarah Hardt, K.J. Herb, Meagan Jennett, Emilie Kneifel, Kimaya Kulkarni, Kristin LaFollette, Jade Moira Lawrence, Elizabeth Joy Levinson, DT McCrea, Taylor Meehan, Danielle Moles, Catherine Ogston, Katie Palmer, Kayla Proulx, Montana Rogers, Sasha Saben Callaghan, Lynne Schmidt, Mary S. Scott, Shloka Shankar, Parth Shirke, Katie Simpson, Remi Skytterstad, Alina Stefanescu, Lauren Suchenski, John Tuttle, Sasha Vivelo, Milly Webster, Jeffrey Yamaguchi, and Lucy Zhang.
Cover photo by Jeffrey Yamaguchi
Issue title from "everywhere remembers" by Katie Simpson and "Garden Variety, or I Read Books on Plants" by Michael Colbert