fat girl
by Maya Maldonado
fat girl
when i was 17 a girl i liked told me i had an “ideal fat girl body”, and she was fat too so i knew she didn't mean it in a “bad way", just a way that made me uncomfortable. i’ve always known there were people larger than me, that where my hips and waist curve sits the privilege of
“baby ur not ‘fat’ fat
just chubby,
but her saying this to me didn't make me uncomfortable because of privilege, it made me uncomfortable because it reminded me of how people see me: fat girl.
first and foremost:
the gift
of a lush
garden of flor de maga
thespesia grandiflora
unshaken by the
taking of its name
for fun
and body
for hate.
i didn't know
there was anything wrong
with my body
until people told me there was.
i didn't know
my body was a garden
until it was too late
and i let half of it
crumple up and die
like loose leaf paper,
lost and distracted
by the time i started
watering it i hated myself
far too much
to drink.
too monstrous
for affection
how do i learn
to love myself
when people keep
telling me that
“loving my body
is unhealthy”?
How do i learn to
grow anything worthwhile
when every time i try
i am told i am wrong?
everyday i am reminded
that to the people around me
i am a girl.
i keep my fangs
in my front backpack pocket
scared to act
and be labelled “erratic”
scared to scream
when it's all i really know
how to do,
scared to be brave
in my words and presentation
because either way
i have been labeled unholy.
sometimes i tell myself
that my life would be easier
if i were to wake up one day and
actually be a girl,
but the more i exercise
my stunted ability
to process
the more i realize
i am not a girl at all
i am not a gorgeous sliver of shade
in the arizona heat
i am not a Mitski song,
my body is a garden
and i am a dream,
my head is boy-ish
and nothing,
and i am a vampire
waiting to suck up
anything red in my path
like a happy
i love and thank my body
as if it were my best friend,
i love and thank my transness
as if it were my front porch light
on nights where the dark is so thick
i can’t see my hands.

ravenous tooth of my dreams
by Maya Maldonado
ravenous tooth of my dreams
o ravenous tooth of my dreams
the tour guide of the four corners
of my body
where i drip and melt
and ooze into the better
whole-hearted version of myself
i promised both of us
two summers ago,
i will learn how to love you,
how to hold you in my arms
without your softest parts
slipping through
like fog.
o ravenous hand on my neck
let the dogs loose
let them chew me up
and piss me out
leaving only a spot.
i'm sorry i failed us.
i will learn how to love me,
how to kiss my own forehead
like a lukewarm cup of water
sitting in the sun,
how to hold my own hand
like a baby who cries
whenever you put them down,
i am slipping through my cracks
like fog.