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[Selected] Bach Original Flower Essences and What They Treat

poetry by Holly Salvatore

[Selected] Bach Original Flower Essences and What They Treat

Clematis: You are in a dream.

A serial killer is following you home. “Don't worry, I never hurt girls like you,” it’s a thorn in the back. You deserve better than this. Even the pharmacopeia refuses to acknowledge your pain.

Genus species. Pepper vine. Spice that cauterizes. How many black women were killed in Atlanta in 1911? Debatable. A bludgeoning by any other name. Rare sightings of the garnet-throated working girl.

Planting tip: clematis grows wild in a climate of fear






Rock rose: You are terrified about something.

You’re turning things over in your mind. Obsessing about someone picking the dead bolt on the apartment. What if they came in earlier? What if they’re hiding in your closet with a brick? A stone? A knife?

Genus species. Thousand cultivars. Cross and breed together for desirable traits. It’s no blood at all compared to what cutting a throat will drench you with. Stay in. Shut up. Lose a finger, lose a heart. Volatile oils blaze of their own accord one summer evening in Georgia.

Planting tip: mulch with renewed courage.





Snake Ritual with Sugar-stewed Crab Apples and Cornbread Stuffing

poetry by Holly Salvatore

CONTENT WARNING: graphic content. Please read at your own risk.

Snake Ritual with Sugar-stewed Crab Apples and Cornbread Stuffing

1.      Bury the head an arm's length deep. It will continue to bite for several hours, once severed. Venom remains active.

2.      run bloody hands around his picture; thumbprint smeared with soil.

3.      thank you thank you thank you thank you.

4.      Hang snake from a rafter by its rattle, place a bowl underneath to catch the blood. Beginning from the decapitation            make a slit down the belly. Remove innards, peel back skin.

5.     smile

6.     When brine hits the flesh it will crawl and dance instinctively. Cover and let writhe for 1 hour.

7.     can you remember what he sounds like building fires just before sunrise?

8.     In the stillness rinse with fresh water and lemon.

9.     Pat dry, and stuff with cornbread, celery, onion, jalapeno, pineapple. Salt and pepper to taste.

10.   Brush skin with sugar-stewed crab apples and bitter zest. Your skin, snake skin. Your guts piercing.

11.   Close flesh and sew together with cooking twine. A simple stitch will do.

12.   Lay an unbroken ring of pepper around the oven, yourself.

13.    Whisper when you’re talking to me.

14.   remove snake from oven, remove number from phone.

15.   tell yourself you’re fine. you’re fine. you’re fine.

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Holly Salvatore

 Holly Salvatore is a farmer in Boulder, CO. They tweet @Queen_Compost and are excellent at naming chickens. Find them outside. 

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