Reasons OCD Makes Me a Jerk
by Chrissy Montelli
Reasons OCD Makes Me a Jerk
1. I organize because it makes me feel like I have control
over my life, or others’.
2. I wash my hands—
I waste so much water.
I wash my hands.
3. If someone buys me kitchenware
that isn’t dishwasher-safe, I ruin it
or just send it back.
4. I’ll judge you for how thoroughly you scrub.
5. I will refuse to do simple tasks
like flip a lightswitch or open a door
because my hands are Dirty
or Not Dirty,
unless I have a paper towel or tissue
to serve as a barrier.
I rely on them too heavily
& am the enemy of trees everywhere.
6. When unloading the washing machine,
if the clothes hang out, just a little,
I wash them again.
I often use too much detergent
& have to put them through another rinse.
7. My apartment is a wreck because I run out
of energy to clean it all, & then I feel like a fraud.
8. I schedule when my partner & I can have sex
based on how much energy I have to wash the sheets
& pillows & sanitize the wall behind our bed
& shower after.
I have never asked him to use hand sanitizer
while in bed with me, like I have to others,
but when our intimacy suffers, I know it is my fault.
9. A past lover told me that my sanitizing in bed
was a turn-off, & I didn’t leave him.
10. I am afraid that someday, if I give birth,
I will not hold my newborn.
Chrissy Montelli
Chrissy Montelli is a poet & freelance writer originally from Long Island, New York. An alumna of the UMass Amherst MFA program, she is the author of two chapbooks, Heart Float (Bottlecap Press, 2017) & Going to Ithaca (Ghost City Press, 2017). Her poetry can also be found in Noble / Gas Qtrly, The Adirondack Review, Atrocity Exhibition, Gandy Dancer, & elsewhere. She was once bullied by The Washington Post for blogging about poetry not being dead. Find her online at chrissymontelli.wordpress.com.