My About Me is a Barenaked Ladies Lyric
by Jamie Vassar
My About Me Is a Barenaked Ladies Lyric
My Tinder profile should say:
I’m a lover of alliteration
who still can’t tell the difference between admiration
and adoration.
Who fumbles
between the definitions of nostalgia
and sick sentimentality.
Who loves watching sunrises
because they feel like accomplishments.
Is infatuated with shadows
and the way they cavort with the light.
Someone who falls in love with personas eccentricities, and talents
more than actual people,
and is trying to kick that habit.
I’m not a person who will text you often;
mostly due to daily distractions,
or, in some cases,
from doubtful fingertips,
afraid of overindulging.
But when I do text you
something will be spelled wrong
89% of the tiem.
I’m the girl who’s always the one
they call late at night because she’ll be up,
and they’ll be drunk.
When I go out,
I am the observer in the crowd
who celebrates the incandescence of candid moments.
I crave someone who can speak my language.
It’s filled with small gestures
and pays attention to minute details
and is almost entirely nonverbal.
Instead, my Tinder profile states that if I made films,
they’d have a samurai.
That’s true too, I guess.
Jamie Vassar
Jamie Vassar is a short essayist, dabbler in poetry, podcast junkie, and wanna-be dog mom. She currently resides in Omaha, Nebraska where she spends her time as a cynical barista by day and hopeless romcom lover by night. Vassar is a content writer for Luvdaily.co and has previously collaborated with 13th Floor Magazine and Hear Nebraska.