Cardstock and wrapping paper
by Manahil Bandukwala
Cardstock and wrapping paper
She is red paper,
a leftover
Valentine. I create her
with my hands. Cut out
her disproportionate head. Strips of dress
hide a clumsy figure, but circular hands
stay out on display. She cannot
hold scissors
like I can, deny her
mobility. I cut her leg off,
then reattach it for –
accuracy. She lacks a face,
a smile, a pair
of twinkling eyes. Braid
swings down to her waist, an artificial
lengthening. I find pride
in the grace she moves with
despite it all. My own
clumsy hands
cannot snip out fingers
or toes or sharp
jawlines. Instead I set her face
round, so unlike
the desi models
in anarkali suits. I choose
the brownest brown
paper for her skin. Look –
how lovely
against a bridal red. She is
fragile strength, durable
in my feathery
touch, crumples under
the pelting rain.
Manahil Bandukwala
Manahil Bandukwala is a poet and artist. Her chapbook, “Pipe Rose,” came out with battleaxe press in 2018. Her work has appeared in publications such as the Puritan, Room Magazine, Bywords.ca, Coven Editions, Soliloquies Anthology, and others. She is on the editorial teams of In/Words and Canthius. See more of her work at manahils.com.