Five Photographs
by John Tuttle
Gazebo on a Foggy Morn

“‘Gazebo on a Foggy Morn’ is one of my all-time favorite photos. I captured this shot one autumn morning at a local park. I didn't have gloves on, and my hands were chilled to the bone by the time I had gotten what I thought I wanted. Another one of the photos I took on this same shoot was published in print in the 2019 edition of The William & Mary Review. I love the autumn hues in these images. I love the reflections, the ominous fog, and the slight roseate color of the sky even more so.”
Inverted Uprising

Microcosmic Ecosystem

"The other two images, ‘Microcosmic Ecosystem’ and ‘Inverted Uprising’ showcase my odd fascination with fungi. So many of their fruiting bodies result in bizarrely-shaped lobes, and they appear in various colors, rustic and fanciful alike. ‘Microcosmic Ecosystem’ highlights a variety of flora and fungi within a limited space in the grand breadth of creation, and ‘Inverted Uprising’ simply shows what happens to a parasitic shroom when it grows from the underbelly of a tree trunk.”
The Cold Lantern's Flower

"‘The Cold Lantern's Flower’ is a piece I snapped right in my own back yard – literally. In one of our garden beds, stood a metal décor piece to which viny foliage had a tendency to wind itself around. At some point, we placed an ornamental lantern at the summit of this obelisk-like frame. Eventually, I noticed that the plant vines had sprouted colorful blooms. What came as a greater surprise was the fact that one of the flowers had blossomed after the vine had grown through the lantern."
Beaming Beside the Pier

“‘Beaming Beside the Pier’ is another splendid morning capture; I got this one on my family's previous summer vacation when we visited the Outer Banks of North Carolina. We had the opportunity to stay at a hotel right on the beach for two consecutive nights. Getting up early and admiring the sunrise was worth it."

John Tuttle
I'm a guy who loves truth and beauty. I enjoy contributing to and commenting on the culture. My photography has been published by Blue Marble Review, Drunk Monkeys, The Manhattanville Review, OPEN: Journal of Arts & Letters, and The William and Mary Review. Additionally, my writing has been featured by The Millions, The University Bookman, the Submittable Blog, and elsewhere.